Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An open letter to YouTube

Dear YouTube,

Hey, how you doing? Guess what? You're going to die.

I don't mean to threaten you or hurt your feelings. It's certainly not personal. We had many good times together. Remember that time when I spent all night watching old music videos and Saturday Night Live clips that I thought were long forgotten grains of sand in the degrading temples of time? Or remember those nights when I had to work late and miss The OC on TV, so I scrambled online to you so I could watch the episodes in pieces without commercials at 3 in the morning? And let's not forget all the times I spent hours at work watching commercials for Apple Computers and Geico.

But your time has come. Have you seen this Hulu site? It's here to destroy you, and I have no doubt it can. Again, it's nothing personal. It's just, you're like the Windows PC, and Hulu is going to break through like Apple. I can see the commercials now....

"Hi, I'm Hulu"
"And I'm YouTube. I hate you Lulu."

A lot of your content gets taken off because it's not supposed to be there. So when I go to show my friends clips, and the clip is mysteriously gone, I look like a fool. I'm tired of looking like a fool YouTube, so I'm switching to Hulu when it comes to watching movies and shows online. Because, like, they got licenses for their stuff. And they got a LOT. They got clips AND full length.

I really am sorry YouTube. You've been a good friend. I'm going to go watch Weekend At Bernie's in high streaming online via Hula right now. And I can sit back comfortably knowing I'm allowed to be watching in online.

And yea, we can embed Hulu videos on our blogs and Myspace's too, so, you lose that battle to. Check it out!

Thanks for all the memories. I can't wait to see you in about 10 years on VH1's "I heart the 00's." I know we'll all look back fondly on your memory.

Take care of yourself. I know Hulu will take care of the rest of us.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been huluing it up for a few months now. I'm glad you hulu too.

March 27, 2008 at 11:26 PM 

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