Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A moment of truth, Part 2 - Philadelphia, the crack of liberty

Continuing in my series of Pa Primary coverage ala Colbert's historic visit to Philadelphia, I'd like to take this post to turn our spotlights on the city of Brotherly Love itself.

I find it oddly disturbing that Hillary seems to have pulled through the gates today as the favorite, over Obama.

Perhaps more than anywhere else, Philly loves our heroes. When they fail, we throw batteries at them and utterly smite their good name better than any other major metropolitan area on the map. But we've seen too many good things run away from us to not be magnetized towards heroes. Remember how hard we clung to Allen Iverson's back? Donovon McNabb's ankles? Or even Shawn Bradley's neck right after he was drafted? We all loved anyone that looked like they could come in and change things, clear the debris and usher in a new golden age of Philly enlightenment. Philly is always looking for our real live Rocky's. For a new place to eat a cheesesteak.

But no one ever makes it up those stupid Art Museum steps, do they? No. And nothing makes us angrier than getting our hopes up.

But why have the polls been favoring Hillary in our state? She certainly isn't the more hero-like of the two. She has no Rocky in her. She would sooner remove the steps and install an escalator. In fact she's more like the arch enemy supervillain. She's like the Doc Ock of politics! (or, Two Face anyone?) Of course, that doesn't mean she isn't a capable leader. But I think she's more fit to lead, say, a business. And that's the biggest problem with America. Patrioticism has become a business. Our three branched democracy government has become business. So if we want to keep it like a business, than yea, let's elect Hillary.

But... I say LAISSEZ FAIRE, wife of Clinton! You lack the charisma to save a country in need of a jump start. There is nothing inspiring about you, and shouldn't the first woman to get this far in election be inspiring?!

Have you seen any political poll within the past decade? Split, down the middle. America does not agree on anything anymore. We are a whole in divide! A broken home! And you, Hillary, you lack the unifying force we need. Most candidates for Pres that stumble along these days do, and you're just another one of those. A bump in the road. You're boring. You appeal to old people because they would like to see a woman in office before they die. That would be neat. And you aren't Republican. But yet, you're like the CEO business woman mogul monster of the Democratic Party. I say a strugging business (like Journal Register.. for instance) should employ you if you want to fix things, because you aren't gonna fix what's happened here in America. You ain't duct taping no American divide, and we all know it.

But have you seen Obama talk? Have you seen the well of stars that get stirred up in peoples eyes when he takes a podium? I know a hero when I see one. And you should know I do, because I write about em enough. And I can tell you I haven't paid attention to politics in a long time, not until Obama came along. He has inspired me to think about my country again, about our leaders again.

Last week at the Colbert Report taping was the closest I had come to being in his presence, and even though he was there via a video conference, I felt what people talk about. That feeling like you're in the presence of something grand. The comparisons to Kennedy and Lincoln are not out of left field.

Colbert's crowd roared. Exploded. Before that moment, there was an air of disapointment that Hillary was the candidate who made an appearence. And go ahead and listen to the difference in applause for when both showed up on the show. Hillary's was warm and receptive, but it was more of a celebrity applause. When Obama popped up on the screen, all hell broke loose. Everyone was out of their chair and shouting, clapping, crossing themselves, thanking God.

So now, Pennsylvania, it is on us. We have crucified our own who have screwed us in Super Bowls, NBA Final games, and World Series. We have cursed and thrown bowls of nachos at digital images of those we called heros for missing their cue, missing their calling, for keeping us off the map. For royally blowing the game. Now it's our turn. The ball is in our hands and the country is watching us. Let's not become what we have hated.

This is our chance to be the heros, to be the Rocky's, to bring home the gold. Let's nominate a real hero to run for this November's election, not one that is full of promises and policies, but one that inspires. That's what a leader is supposed to do, not manage a business.

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Blogger leah said...

Yeah, I excitedly ran to the top of those damn art museum steps only to find no Rocky statue...talk about disappointment! I believe he may be back there now of course, after the "is it really art?" debate, but you won't find me running up them again!

April 29, 2008 at 12:22 PM 

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