Don't worry about the world ending today; it's already next year in New Zealand

Although it's not the drunken bafooning, girls in obnoxiously stupid boots, awful music, and balls with blinking lights that necessarily scrooge me out. It's all the careful planning, and money, and worry about cops and/or drunk drivers. And the resolutions, oh, the resolutions! Seriously. Don't ask me what my resolutions for next year are, because I will throw my beer on you and tell you that my first resolution is to not get you a towel to clean up the mess I just made. Resolute THAT, Charlie Brown.
But I'm not bitter. You say "Party with us, Chris!" and I'll show up with a paper hat on. I just find more enjoyment in celebrating real stupid things...a reason to go out and buy a new calendar is not something I'm willing to party over. Unless, we're talking about a REALLY cool calendar.
But if you're with me and dread celebrating anything on New Years, think about this. The world isn't ending this New Year's because it's already next year in Australia. Now, there's a reason to toss back some pints and make bear noises with your friends. W00t!
Labels: I hate things, New Years Eve
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